Quietly Coffee - Shady Lane, Colombia Daniel Muñoz 340g (12oz)

Regular price $22.00

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 Roasted May 22nd

Tasting Notes: 
The cup is classic with notes of hazelnut, apricot jam & root beer. 
Llanada de Naranjos, San Agustin 
Villa Camila 
Pink Bourbon 
Brendan at Semilla. 

Notes from Lee at Quietly:

People have been drinking dark roasts for over two-centuries and it seems both short-sighted and careless to ignore history. And yet if you roast too dark, all of the unique flavours of origin are lost and you simply taste the bitter burn and one-dimensional char of the roast process itself.

Shady Lane is a new way of roasting that uses a gentle approach and precise technique to strike a compromise: it engages in our coffee past with an approachable low-acidity  but also showcases the deeply sweet and delicious chocolaty notes possible with particular origins. It is new and old because as the Pavement song concludes, "the worlds collide, but all that we want is a shady lane". 

With over 20 years growing coffee, Santos Marcos Ccana and his Bellocpampa farm illustrates the meeting point of expertise and passion. Nestled in the Yanatile Valley, his 20-year-old Typica trees grow alongside a variety of fruit trees and produce around 40 quintals of parchment. Three years ago, Santos joined the Valle Inca cooperative and now processes his coffee through Prudencio Vargas Saenz. The group helps in numerous ways including Organic certification. Santos was one of the first coffees we ever roasted at Quietly and is always a favourite on the menu! 

Cusco coffees are extraordinary, which is clear in Santos’s cup. It opens with a delightful array of fruit am notes: raspberry, apricot, and blackberry. It is creamy and thick, like buttercream icing, but also brimming with lighter sugary notes - think shortbread and pound cake. Its finish moves from milk chocolate to sweet coconut flakes and a nice rounded note of almond butter.